22 September 2008

Un autre jour en Paris

Bonjour compadres. Yes, we happened upon Chanel yesterday & luckily it was closed as I'm sure I would have been tossed out if we'd gone in due to my barbaric style of dress. The window displays however were Ultra Chic. Look at the beautiful camellia brooch! I am coveting one but it was 440 euros, which equates to about $880 so I just can't justify it...
We spent today walking around Paris as it was the most gorgeous day & everything that wasn't closed (ie museums) was absolutely packed with people so we decided to do as the locals do & have a picnic in the Jardins de Tuileries. We easily found more delicious, crusty baguettes, washed down with plump, juicy raspberries & a curious-looking apple that we thought we would try out, only to find out it was perhaps a cooking apple... (sour, sour, sour). This holiday has
been a little about tasting things we haven't had before or about ordering things off the menu that we have no idea of. This backfired badly for me the other night in what can only be known from now on as, "The Liver Incident". I will leave it at that & you can use your imaginations.

Here is my Lucky travelling Dog, fortwith to be known as "Claude" showing you the Dastardly Vogue which continues to irritate me beyond reason. I have stumbled upon ONE quite interesting article but have to lay the magazine on a table to be able to look through it. Anyway, the stupid thing is out of my life now & I can see why the lady left it on the Eurostar in the first place - she probably had given herself a rotator cuff tear carrying it around!
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