01 October 2008

The Big Fizz

Dear readers, here were are again, in Etoges - at le Chateau d'Etoges (below) to be precise. It has been FANTASTIC & despite being told there is a ghost on our floor, I have diagnosed the "problem" as mousies in the walls. I am listening to the squabbling ducks on the moat as I type. This hotel is rated as *** but there seems to be major disparity in the star system here Skye, as this place is ultra-poshe compared to two of the other places we have stayed. Yesterday we drove through the countryside to Epernay, where 12 of the world's famous champagne houses are located. We also did a tour of the caves at a placed called "Mercier". They apparently make more champagne than anywhere else. The best thing we did was drive out to a town appropriately named Bouzy (!!) where we found the winery of Remy Galichet whose champagne I drank at the Brisbane restaurant "Montrachet" when my fab boss took Span & me to dinner there. They are a very small operation & only have about 3.5 hectares of vines but they were so friendly and invited us to look through, even though it was their lunch time. This is a photo of the family above. We also went to another winery that was recommended by another Chateau dweller & my brother bought 6 bottles of champagne there! Goodness only knows how he & mum are going to get it all down the hatch before they leave in a week!
Ho hum.... yawn... yes, these are the digs folks. How will I ever be able to return to Empress Terrace after this lifestyle? I am ruined for life! The paradox of us staying in a chateau & drinking French champagne while the share market plummets is not lost on us however...

This is a photo taken 30 metres underground in the caves of "Mercier" champagne - though Steve was thinking of the Mines of Moria and Gimli the dwarf so he has obviously OD'd on Lord of the Rings! The caves were really interesting & the process of making champagne fascinating. How they ever worked out how to get it just right, I cannot imagine. There was some mention of exploding plugs of ice & yeast... I will never be able to look at a bottle the same way again.

This is mum & I slumming it at dinner time, just before we started another five course meal. The menu says three meals are coming out but they surprise you with tiny little "in between" meals so we have no hope! I think some of our clothes must have shrunk in the clothes dryer....
Today we are off to Ypres in Belgium where we are staying in a B&B for two nights. I can hardly believe that on Friday we will be on our way home, though part of me wants to come home because I will turn into a destitute porker at this rate & I am missing my friends & the pets & running... So, I hope I can blog from Ypres because up there we will be visiting Uncle Dougal's grave & also seeing where my grandfather Josiah fought with the US Marines in WW1. It should be very interesting but I think I will avoid mascara for the next few days...
Thank you so much to everyone for your very lovely comments about how much you are enjoying my blog. It is quite an ego boost! Despite my French being el crappo, I can rely on my ablity to blog well so that is cheering me up! :o)
Also, Steve had a fantastic birthday he tells me but this is IT - he doesn't wish to be reminded of any more birthdays. AND... it is absolutely freeeeezing here & of course, we don't have enough clothes. :o/
Au revoir until Ypres! xxxx
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Anonymous said...

Oh Jen you are having the most wonderful time. I have decided that last week at the beach I must have put on about 10kg so I completely understand your distress at the smaller clothes situation!! Holidays are a bummer for the expanding waistline... Today I met Miss Yvette Jane and Jen, I have to tell you, she is the smallest prettiest thing you could imagine. Very similar to Miss Zoe in size and cuteness factor. I have promised Ange, who is missing you terribly, that I shall come with you to visit them next week sometime when you settle back into ho-hum life again. Well Jen, get another couple of champers down the hatch before you leave...remember my motto, "detox tomorrow darling, detox tomorrow!" Susie x

Anonymous said...

Jen, I would be disappointed if you didn't come back fat. I need people real fat near me to take the focus off my fatty boom bah!

I miss you.

I am so happy you are having fun but looking forward to Monday or Tuesday (I forget which)
