04 December 2008

My foray into Schoolies Week...

I've got a headache just seeing all the booze that's been consumed by the young ladies whose crashpad I crashed yesterday at Palm Beach.  I am not going to go into any more detail other than to say that What's On Tour, Stays on Tour!  However, it seems the whole Schoolies set up on the Gold Coast is pretty organised.  There are lots of shuttle buses to and from Surfers Paradise & police & youth workers everywhere.  The only thing that really shocked me was how the Qld Police have turned it into such a revenue raiser.  The girls hopped off the bus the other night, with cans of their beloved Vodka & Orange and were immediately pounced upon by the police who fined them (ie their parents) $75 each for "public drinking" and $250 for those girls who did not have their ID with them.  Meanwhile, they also caught a cab whose driver did not put the meter on & who charged them a set amount, which ended up being outrageously more than the standard fare. So... there are plenty of people making money out of schoolies. Another of the girls was "bottled" in a bar for Pete's sake!!  However, Alana is having an absolutely fantastic time so what can I say?  
So, I pulled Alana out of the flat (they'd had a party the night before with the boys from Unit 14D) & we headed off for a facial at the Golden Door at Southport.  Probably just what her skin needed after two weeks of partying.  Plenty of water was consumed also.  The facial was magnificent.  Alana is only going to be 18 once so we had a lash out.  Following said pampering, with faces glowing, it was over to the Sheraton Mirage for lunch at their seafood buffet, which was, as you can imagine, sensational!  Again, Alana was able to satisfy her nutritional urges, even though she & her friends have been trying to eat well in between those drinks.  Dessert proved to be our undoing though....
We then snuck out to the pool for a lounge in the sunshine & tried to look like in-house guests, which we managed to pull off, but we were eventually forced from the pool by some tool on his mobile 'phone yabbering on about interest rates, property development, rents & money owed to him. He just went on and on and on & we found it nauseating.  You're on holiday mate!! Leave it at home!  As we were in the general vicinity, and as it was Alana's 18th birthday celebration, we drifted over to Palazzo Versace for coffee (but no cake!!).  That hotel is just so P.O.S.H and it has a divine aroma, possibly designed to make you enjoy paying $6 for your coffee!?!  
Anyway, Alana and I had a BRILLIANT day and I am so lucky to have her as my god-daughter. She is a truly wonderful young lady.  I am having trouble coming to terms with her being "all grown up" though.  I can still remember her aged 8 months....  And at 5 years.... And at 11 years ...  The time has passed so quickly.  You all know what I mean so I don't need to bang on about it.  When will ever learn to treasure every minute of every day?

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