12 February 2011

Cleaning my desktop

Saturday morning and in "housekeeping mode" which, right now, means tidying up my desktop.  I've had these photos just sitting there for weeks so now is the time to put them away - on this blog.  They're just photos that I like.  
This is my cousin Peter and his lovely wife Lauren who live in Austin, Texas.  The ears are extras…  just in case I was related to some real bunnies (ha, ha, ha)

This is my gorgeous god-daughter Alana, looking … well…. just a tiny bit TOO gorgeous!  I don't want boys looking at her!!!  What happened to that cute little curly-haired tot? 
I suspect this has been Photoshopped - as have the next two - but it still looks amazing.  I think it might be the east coast of the USA in autumn.  Must find a way to get there one day! 
I think this might be Amalfi or at least, some magnificent village on the Italian coast.  Must find a way to get there too!!  So many places to see and so little time! 

Possibly this is Kangaroo Island?  Or the Galapagos?  Who would know? I love it though!

Had my first "Run 10 With Jen" group this morning and had four ladies turn up.  It's very hard to run along the Brisbane River currently.  Most of the paths are still trashed from the flooding & are either closed for repair or are covered in mud & filth of an undertermined nature.  We ran across the Go Between Bridge, along to the Victoria Bridge and across the river which was about 5km.  Two of my newbies had pains which made me nervous because I didn't want to exacerbate them with a beginner's run.  I have so much to learn about this coaching caper!  Time to go off now and work on a training program for them.  Would rather snooze on the sofa to be honest….  Or eat something chocolate.  Am eyeing off the Sydney Morning Herald Half-Marathon as a potential event in my marathon training schedule but wait!  No can do.  The Noosa Half is on the following weekend and there is No Way I can do back to back halfs.  OMG.  I'd much prefer Noosa so adios to a weekend in Sydney. I would have been too trashed to shop anyway, right?  

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