26 September 2011

The Falkirk Wheel

The Falkirk Wheel is on my horizon. I see it in my near future. We will hunt it out & make a point of seeing it. I Googled it after being informed at it was NOT a giant ferris wheel but instead, an incredible feat of Scottish engineering & I am amazed so want to see it with my own eyes. Soon.


Rory Grant said...

I'm almost ashamed to say it - I've driven past it dozens of times and never stopped. It does look spectacularly impressive though!


Anonymous said...

Ah but nay, it doesn't just LOOK impressive. Make sure you have sufficient time to take the narrowboat trip which lifts the 100 ton narrowboat to the higher level of the canal via the wheel - saving the time traversing the old staircase lock system, and much, much water and energy. Truly ingenious and marvellous - and even fun!