06 December 2008

bah humbug...

Oh gawd...  It's 36 degrees outside & I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit.  I made Christmas pudding truffles this afternoon.  Now readers, this is The Easiest Recipe you will ever see.  It is easier to make than boiling an egg and still, I have Stuffed It Up!  The reason for this?  Not wearing my specs.  Refusing to admit that I cannot see properly any more.  I have put too much brandy in the mix, thereby making it too wet to roll into balls.  I think I has misread 1/3 cup. They are now brown, knobbly lumps.  However, rather than get my knickers in a twist & start flagellating myself about being such an idiot, I have decided on a new tack.  From now on, instead of getting so angry at myself when I make a mistake, I am going to Laugh!  I am going to see the funny side of it.  This is advice given to me by very good friends & I think they are right.  It's not the end of the world!  I can almost make the truffles again next weekend - with my glasses on.  In the meantime, they will taste delicious smeared over ice-cream.  Burp...
So, with that disastrous Christmas cooking episode under my belt, I am now tackling the Christmas tree.  It's a 5ft tall Chinese-made plastic job and, with the sounds of Bing Crosby & Dean Martin belting out carols, I am slowly unravelling each branch.  It's driven me to blogging & I'm only half-way up the trunk.  Heavens only knows when I break out the baubles. Meanwhile, Steve has walked in, dripping wet & covered with grass clippings, having mown the lawn.  Christmas in Australia - love it!  


Susan Buret said...

If only you had done what my grandmother did and consumed all the brandy before embarking on any Christmas cooking this never would have happened.

Jen said...

Susan, your grandma was completely correct. From today, that will be my Christmas cooking motto. I haven't yet blogged about the savoury tarts I made with sweet pastry shells.... @#$%^&*