20 January 2010

UNICEF - At a glance: Haiti - Field Diary: Notes from a tent hospital in Haiti

UNICEF - At a glance: Haiti - Field Diary: Notes from a tent hospital in Haiti

I was watching the news this morning and heard them talk about Haiti.  There has been an awful lot about Haiti on the news lately and even moreso on CNN, which I have been watching occsionally.  However, the CNN coverage is relentless in its misery and I've guiltily conceded that I find it too heartbreaking and depressing to watch.  Possibly I don't want to have to think about those millions of tragic people who are so much worse off than me.  However, this morning I overheard a report that there are over One Million orphaned children in Haiti now.  They have no-one to claim them, name them or care for them.  It's absolutely devastating and I am overwhelmed by the enormity of this problem.  I have gone to the Unicef webpage but donating $$ just seems so futile.  I don't really know WHAT I can do - because I feel I want to do something.  Meanwhile, I received the most hideous telephone bill from Optus following our holiday in Europe and I feel SICK that I have to give all this money to them for basically nothing, while it is needed and deserved so much more in Haiti.   

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