12 February 2012

Money madness

Look at THIS! I am blogging twice in one day!  I'm on a roll.  Actually, it's because I have been spending my Sunday afternoon lying on the sofa under the fan reading Tatler.  I know, I know … there are many of my associates who would roll their eyes at my love of this elitist, ultra-poshe, mega-conservative mag that suckers me in with its glimpse into the world of the privileged British upper classes and aristocracy. The exotically colourful names are enough to send me into a swoon.  Ticky, Dido, Otis or the Duchess of Here and and the Earl of There.   It's a life that I can only imagine, 'trapped' here in The Colonies, far from a grouse shoot or Georgian townhouse.  I've been reading the 2011 Christmas issue in which gift ideas are put forth, in a very tongue-in-cheek way I must add.  It was here that I spotted these, on the page dedicated to "The Pets".
A sugar cube box…  Who would have thought there could even be such a thing?  Here is the gift for the person who truly has everything…  Could one perhaps store one's licorice allsorts in that thing?  Jaffas?  A dog biscuit or two?
And for the hamster who has it all…. a wee log cabin - and all for less than six pounds (plus VAT).  In fact, it was here that I learned of Harrods Pet Spa which offers such delights as "Luxury Canine Massage" for 125 pounds, "Animal Communication and Reiki Healing" for 175 pounds or "Thalassotherapy Mud Bath" for 49.45 pounds (is that better than normal dog-park mud?)  Honestly, it's hysterically funny - and then again, it is not.  It makes me consider the value we all place on what we consider to be important.  I love my dog utterly, but I have better things upon which to spend my dough.…  Now, I think I will go chuck her into the shower.  Cheerio! 
I believe this kitty could benefit from a Harrod's intervention 

1 comment:

Shane Baker said...

Good to see Jen. One biscuit a day is never enough!